The Soviet Union 1975-76. Domestic policy, economics, foreign policy

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The Soviet Union and Northern Waters

The Soviet Union and Revolutionary Warfare. Principles, practices and regional comparisons

The Soviet Union and the Politics of Nuclear Weapons in Europe 1969-87. The problem of the SS-1

The Soviet Union. Figures, facts, data

The Soviet West. Interplay between nationality and social organization

The Soviet-type Economies. Performance and evolution

The Spirit of Chinese Politics. A psychocultural study of the authority crisis in political development

The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism

The State in Capitalist Society

The State of the Nation. Social systems accounting

The Status of Women in Preindustrial Societies

The Strike-Threat System. The economic consequences of collective bargaining

The Structuralist View of Theories

The Structure and Development of Science

The Structure and Dynamics of Theories

The Structure of Earnings

The Structure of Marx's World-View

The Structure of Violence. Armed forces as social system

The Struggle for Middle East. The Soviet Union and the Middle East 1958-68