The Politics of Modernization in eastern Europe. Testing the Soviet model

The Politics of Planning. A review and critique of centralized economic planning

di: AA.VV.

The Politics of Representation. Continuities in theory and research

di: AA.VV.

The Politics of the Budgetary Process

The Politics of the Corporate Economy

The Politics of the Vatican

The Politics of Violence: Revolution in the modern world

A cura di/Editors: Leiden Carl, Schmitt Karl

The Port and city of Philadelphia

di: AA.VV.

The Post-Behavioral Era: Perspectives on political science

The Power Elite

The Prague Spring: A mixed legacy

The Press Politics & the Public

The Principles of Ethics

The Principles of Ethics

The Private Government of Public Money

The Problem of Party Government

The Process of Opposition in India. Two case studies of how policy shapes politics

The Process of Planning. A study of India's five-year plans, 1950-1964

The Production of Security

The Quality of American Life. Perceptions, evaluations, and satisfactions