The Silent Revolution. Changing values and political styles amog western publics

The Social Programs of Sweden. A search for security in a free society

The Socialist Industrial State. Towards a political sociology of state socialism

The Socialist Republic of Rumania

The Socio-Political Complex. An interdisciplinary approach to political life

The Sociology of Women

The Soviet Economy in Regional Perspective

The Soviet Economy. Problems and prospects

The Soviet Economy: Toward the Year 2000

A cura di/Editors: Bergson A., Levine H.

The Soviet Energy Balance. Natural gas, other fossil fuels and alternative power sources

The Soviet Far East. Geographical perspectives on development

The Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia: Its effects on eastern Europe

The Soviet Multinational State. Readings and documents

The Soviet Paradox. External expansion, internal decline

The Soviet Soldier. Soviet military management at the troop level

The Soviet Study of International Relations

The Soviet Theory of Internatonal Relations

The Soviet Union 1973. Domestic policy, economics, foreign policy

di: AA.VV.

The Soviet Union 1974-75. Domestic policy, economics, foreign policy

di: AA.VV.

The Soviet Union 1974-75. Domestic policy, economics, foreign policy

di: AA.VV.