The Centro Einaudi uses an interdisciplinary approach for the analysis of policy developments in the broad area of local economic and social development and urban regeneration. There is a research focus (albeit not axclusive) on Turin and Piedmont, i.e. the territory where the Centro Einaudi roots lie.
The general aim is to define and propose policy choices to local public and private decision makers. Attention is paid to the evolution and competitiveness of the local productive and business system, to the financial support available to local PMI, as well as to technological adequacy and the role of R&D. In a “triple helix” approach, the relationships between industry, university and government (both national and local) are investigated, with a focus on the use of EU funds.
Particular attention will be given to the way in which regional policy is trying to adapt to changing socio-economic needs and harsher financial conditions, with a view to furthering both competitiveness and cohesion.