
The Centro Einaudi will make available a research grant in memory of Alberto Musy, a distinguished comparative law researcher and professor, fellow of the Centro Einaudi  and member of its Comitato Direttivo (Management Committee). Deadline November 15, 2014.


We encourage proposals of theoretical and empirical works in and across fields of political analysis regarding the following theme: “Free Speech and Privacy”. New deadline for paper submission: June 30th, 2014.


The winners of the 2nd  annual «Giorgio Rota» Best Paper Award 2013 will present their work at the «Giorgio Rota» Conference organised in Torino, at the Centro Einaudi, on Monday, April 14th.  Participation to the conference is mandatory in order to be awarded the prize.

Schedule of the Conference.


The winners of the 2nd annual «Giorgio Rota» Best Paper Award 2013 have been appointed.

They are: 

Fania Valeria Michelucci - DIGEP - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale e della Produzione, Politecnico di Torino: New media, financial resources and funding opportunities for creative entrepreneurs, who wins a prize of 1.000 Euros;

Alessandro Gandini – dottorando in Sociologia presso l'Università


The 2nd Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award 2013 closed on November, 4th
