
The winners of the 2nd annual «Giorgio Rota» Best Paper Award 2013 have been appointed.

They are: 

Fania Valeria Michelucci - DIGEP - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale e della Produzione, Politecnico di Torino: New media, financial resources and funding opportunities for creative entrepreneurs, who wins a prize of 1.000 Euros;

Alessandro Gandini – dottorando in Sociologia presso l'Università


The 2nd Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award 2013 closed on November, 4th


A fronte di 9 candidature, 6 sono stati i vincitori del bando (in ordine alfabetico):


- Alba Cicala: ‘No more waiting for Godot’
- Fiammetta Corradi: ‘The richness and quality of normative public argumentation: one method, two case studies’
- Benedetta Cotta: ‘Cooperative or adversarial styles? An analysis of the policy-making of Hungary and Poland in the waste management sector’
- Michele


The 2013 LPF Summer Call for Papers closed on June, 30th.

Il bando Summer Call for Papers 2013 di LPF è stato chiuso il 30/06.


The Centro Einaudi launches the 2nd annual Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award.
