The 10th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award / The Winners

The winners of the 10th «Giorgio Rota» Best Paper Award on "Labor, value, robots", supported by Fondazione CRT, have been appointed. They are:

Eleonora Priori, who win a prize of 1,500 Euros (gross) with the paper Simulating a basic income to cope with the technological transition: an agent-based model.

Ana Sofia Pessoa, who wins a prize of 1,500 Euros (gross) with the paper Earnings Dynamics in Germany.

Filippo Passerini, who wins a prize of 1,500 Euros (gross) with the paper Monopsony in Labor Markets: Empirical Evidence from Italian Firm.

They will present their works at the Giorgio Rota Conference in Turin, Campus 'Luigi Einaudi', on May, 18th.


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