The winners of the 7th «Giorgio Rota» Best Paper Award have been appointed.
They are:
Federico Fantechi, PhD Student at GSSI – Gran Sasso Science Institute department of Urban Studies and Regional Science who wins a prize of 1,500 Euros (gross) with the paper: Spatial dynamics of community disaster resilience in rural areas. Evidences from Central Italy after the 1997 earthquake;
Georgios Manalis, European University Institute / Department of Economics, who wins a prize of 1,500 Euros (gross) with the paper: Land rights and risk-sharing in rural West Africa;
Stefano Menegat, Ph.D. Candidate -Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University (Montreal), who wins a prize of 1,500 Euros (gross) with the paper: Alternative Food Networks: Growing Nichesor Paradigm Shift? Exploring the Case of U.S.Farmers’ Markets Througha System Dynamics Approach
The winners will present their work at the Giorgio Rota Conference that will be held on May, 6 in Turin, Campus Einaudi, University of Turin. Schedule of the conference will be published on the Centro Einaudi website soon.
Participation to the conference is mandatory in order to be awarded the prize. The Centro Einaudi will also refund travel expenses to Turin. Details to be found in the Call.
The award-winning papers will be published by the Centro Einaudi in an ISBN e-book "Quaderni del Premio Giorgio Rota".
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