Centro Einaudi Call for Projects - 2012

The Centro Einaudi launches the Call for Projects 2012.



The Centro Einaudi will make available from November 1st, 2012, a number of grants for young scholars wishing to undertake research projects in one of the thematic areas of the Centro, i.e.:

- Law, Politics and Culture

- Liberalism and Theory

- Regional economic development

- Global economy and finance

- Politics, Policy and social reforms

- International relations

- Italian Policies and Reforms

Provided the thematic focus is clearly linked to one or more of the above areas, the Centro will consider proposals adopting different disciplinary perspectives (e.g. law, economics, sociology, political science – including political theory) and methodological orientations (e.g. theoretical, empirical, normative). An attention to policy implications will however be particularly appreciated.

Successful grantees will not be required to take residence in Turin, but they will nevertheless be expected to regularly visit the Centro, participate to its activities and contribute to the Centro’s publication program (Biblioteca della Libertà, Agenda Liberale, WP of the Laboratorio di Politica Comparata e Filosofia Pubblica). They will also be required to fully acknowledge the Centro’s grant in the publication of their research results.

Eligible candidates must have at least a 2-year Master degree or equivalent. The Centro Einaudi is an equal opportunity employer.

Applications (in Italian or English) should include:

- A detailed and updated CV

- Two letters of reference

- An illustration of the research proposal (max 3.500 words: general topic and object of research; research aim and questions; methods; expected results; deliverables and timing; bibliography)


Projects are expected to be carried out in 1 year. The amount of the grant will be in the range of 10,000-15,000 euros (gross) – depending on project and seniority.

The application deadline is September, 10th, 2012. Application documents should be sent to:

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Successful applications will be selected by the Comitato Direttivo of the Centro Einaudi Short-listed applicants may be invited at Centro Einaudi’s expenses to a face-to-face or Skype interview.

Selected applicants will be notified by October, 20th, 2012.

Download Application Form

Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione “Luigi Einaudi”
Via Ponza, 4 • 10121 Torino
Tel. 011 55.91.611 • Fax 011 55.91.691
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