The Centro Einaudi Call for Projects 2012 is over. There were 49 applications; 8 projects were short-listed. Of them, 4 were selected.
Successful applicants are (in alphabetical order):
Giulia Bistagnino – “Liberalism without sincerity?”
Alberto Ghibellini – “From modern liberalism to ancient liberalism: Leo Strauss’s critique of modern natural law and his recovery of classic natural right”
Alessandro Maurini – “Aldous Huxley e il Brave New World nel pensiero politico liberale”
Anna Paola Quaglia – “Chinese urban middle class: socioeconomic analysis on China’s way to sustainability”
Grantees will not be required to take residence in Turin, but they will nevertheless be expected to regularly visit the Centro, participate to its activities and contribute to the Centro’s publication program (Biblioteca della Libertà, Agenda Liberale, WP of the Laboratorio di Politica Comparata e Filosofia Pubblica).
They will also be required to fully acknowledge the Centro’s grant in the publication of their research results.
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