1st Giorgio Rota Conference 2013 - Torino, March 25

The winners of the 1st annual «Giorgio Rota» Best Paper Award 2012 have been appointed.


They are (in alphabetical order):


Massimiliano Artoni, Matteo Del Popolo, Marco Guerci
HRM Practices, Ethical Work Climate and Sustainability Perception. An Employee Perspective

Sarah Marie Hall
Disjointed discourses of Ethical Consumption: Juxtaposing Consumer and Company Narratives

Patrizio Ponti, Federico Tabellini
Sviluppo umano e sostenibilità ambientale: in cerca di una strada verso l’integrazione


They have been awarded a prize of 1000 Euros per paper and have presented their work at the «Giorgio Rota» Conference organised in Torino, at the Centro Einaudi, on Monday March 25th. [Schedule of the Conference]

The award-winning papers will be published by the Centro Einaudi in an ISBN e-book “Quaderni del Premio Giorgio Rota”.

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