The Chinese Road to Socialism

The Chinese. How they live and work

The City in the Seventies

The Civic Culture Revisited

The Clash of Group Interests and Other Essays

The Cold War in Transition

The Collapse of Democracy

The Collapse of Welfare Reform: Political institutions, policy, and the poor in Canada and in the United States

The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. A venture in social forecasting

The Coming Soviet Crash. Gorbachev's pursuit of credits in western financial markets

The Commons in Transition

A cura di/Editors: Hanson A.H., Crick B.

The Communist Parties of Western Europe

The Communist Party of China and Marxism 1921-1985

The Comparative Study of Political Elites

The Conditions of Freedom

The Conservative Government's Economic Record

The Constitution of Society

The Counter Revolution of Science. Studies on the abuse of reason

The Crisis in Social Security. Problems and prospects

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The Crisis of Democracy. Report on the governability of democracies to the Trilateral Commission