Brave storia d'Italia dal 2000 a.C. al 2000 d.C.

Brazil since 1964. Modernisation under a Military Régime

Breaking Ranks. A political memoir

Breve storia del pensiero federalista

Breve storia del presidenzialismo in Italia (1946-1992)

Brevissima relazione della distruzione delle Indie

Breznev. The masks of power

Britain in Brief

di: AA.VV.

Britain Says Yes. The 1975 referendum on the Common Market

Britain. An Official Handbook

British Factory-Japanese Factory: The Origins of National Diversity in Industrial Relation

Broadcasting to the Soviet Union. International politics and radio

Bruno Leoni. Le pretese e i poteri: le radici individuali del diritto e della politica

Buddhist Scriptures

di: AA.VV.

Budgets and Bureaucrats. The Sources of Government Growth


Bureaucracy and Democracy. A political dilemma

Bureaucracy and Political Development

Bureaucracy and Representative Government