Japanese Society

Jihadisti d'Italia: La radicalizzazione islamista nel nostro paese

John Rawls' Theory of Social Justice

Joseph A. Schumpeter. Vita e opere

Journey to Coercion. From Tolpuddle to Rookes V. Barnard

Jugoslavia e Balcani: una bomba in Europa

A cura di/Editors: Roberto Spanò

Kaizen. La strategia giapponese del miglioramento

Kalecki. Antologia di scritti di teoria economica

A cura di/Editors: Alberto Chilosi

Kant's Political Writings

Karl Marx's Theory of History: A Defence

Karl Marx: Man and Fighter

Kelsen e il marxismo. Democrazia politica o socialismo

Kenya: The Politics of Participation and Control

Keynes's Monetary Theory. A Different Interpretation

Keys for the Future

Khrushchev and Brezhnev as Leaders. Building Authority in Soviet Politics

Knowledge and Politics

A cura di/Editors: Riccardo Viale

Knowledge Technology and Innovative Organizations

Knowledge: It's Creation, Distribution and Economic Significance