History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution - vol. I

History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution - vol. II

HIV and Aids in Schools

Ho visto uccidere un popolo. Sud Vietnam, tutti devono sapere

Homo ludens

Homo sociologicus. Uno studio sulla storia, il significato e la critica della categoria di ruolo sociale

Hostages to Fortune. The future of Western interests in the Arabian gulf

Housing and Social Change in Europe and the USA

How Can Political Scientists Go Abroad?

How Communist States Change Their Rulers

How Nations Behave. Law and Foreign Policy

How Taxes Affect Economic Behavior

How the Conservatives Rule Japan

How the Soviet Union Is Governed

How to Complete and Survive a Doctoral Dissertation

How to Limit Government Spending

Human Capital. A Theoretical and empirical analisys, with special reference to education

Hume. Antologia di scritti

A cura di/Editors: Giuseppe Giarrizzo

Hungary. A Decade of Economic Reform

I "soviet" in un centro nucleare?

di: AA.VV.