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Riforma morale e riforma istituzionale: considerazioni di un giurista

Moral Reform and Institutional Reform: A Jurist's Considerations

Anno XXVIII, n. 120, gennaio-marzo 1993
Centro Einaudi


Abstract disponibile solo in lingua inglese

The issue of institutional reform – much debated in Italy today and on which parliament is busy at work – has excessive influence on public opinion. It thus rouses expectations which run the risk of being disappointed. The moral question, for example, may be linked to institutional reform, but depends, above all, both on a more general crisis of ethics and on the lack of government alternatives in Italy since the War. To break this deadlock, it is not enough to invoke the replacement of proportionalism with the uninominal system. Although the latter is much preferable, the fact remains that elections are held not to choose the best individuals but to make a choice between different political approaches. It is necessary therefore to invent new rules designed to set unambiguous, univocal parties against one another. Without forgetting, however, that the decisive factor resides not in the rules but in the general humus of the various national societies and the political approaches that materialise there.