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Pubblico impiego, i limiti della riforma

The Civil Service: The Limitations of the New Reform

Anno XXVIII, n. 121, aprile-giugno 1993
Centro Einaudi


Abstract disponibile solo in lingua inglese

In this article, the author examines the law recently passed in Italy for the privatisation of the civil service. It is quite likely that the law has been presented as being more innovative than it actually is. If it is true that the greatest shortcoming of the Italian public administration is its inability to single out individual responsibilities, it is also true that the law previously contained a series of tools useful for this precise purpose. Only that they were either little used or not used at all. From this point of view, the new law represents an effective, albeit timid, step forward. After carefully examining the various outlines of the law, the author concludes with a concrete proposal: that of structuring the administration by operational units, each supervised by a specific, clearly identified manager with, on the one hand, the power to manage labour and the right to dismiss, and, on the other, the duty to account for work carried out.