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Pagine classiche / Due scritti sulla tassazione e la società liberale

Anno XXIX, n. 126, luglio-settembre 1994
Centro Einaudi


Abstract disponibile solo in lingua inglese

The "Classical Pages" which close this issue of Biblioteca della libertà [where a possible profile of a liberal Italy in the future is sketched] consist of two pieces by Camillo Cavour. Albeit unintentional, the choice is an extremely appropriate one in the circumstances. Cavour was in fact the greatest statesman and the finest liberal Italy has ever produced. His reflections on taxation and liberal society have lost nothing of their intelligence and wisdom with the passing of time. Above all, we share Cavour's belief that, "in the economic as in the political and religious order, ideas can only be countered effectively with other ideas, principles with other principles". And authentically liberal ideas – and conduct – are what Italy most needs today.