
The Centro Einaudi is an independent non-profit research institute based in Turin.

Our mission, inspired by Luigi Einaudi's work and his dictum "conoscere per deliberare" (knowledge must come before deliberation), is to conduct independent research, and, based on that research, to provide innovative recommendations in the fields of political economy, government and the markets, public policies.

The Centro Einaudi research areas are liberal theory, global economy and finance, international relations, law, politics and culture, politics and comparative public policy, Italian policies and reform, regional development.

Since 1963, the Centro has been a beacon of liberalism and one of the most influential Italian think-tanks. Many of its members hold prominent positions in academia, government, business and the media.


Annual Research Reports

Indagine sul risparmio e sulle scelte finanziarie degli Italiani, con Intesa San Paolo

Rapporto sull'Economia Globale e l'Italia, con Ubi Banca

Rapporto “Giorgio Rota” su Torino, con Compagnia di San Paolo e, dal 2016, Banca del Piemonte

Economic Freedom of the World, with Economic Freedom Network



Quadrante Futuro

Percorsi di Secondo Welfare

Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award for Young Researchers

Fake news - laboratorio per le scuole superiori

REScEU / EuVision

Laboratorio di Politica Comparata e Filosofia Pubblica

Conferenze Guerrini sulle libertà nelle società industriali avanzate


On-line publications

Biblioteca della Libertà

Quaderni Bdl

Working paper Secondo welfare

Working paper LPF

Quaderni Rota

Lettera Economica


Area media

Dicono di noi

Le voci del Centro


Main partner